Friday, January 7, 2011

Drawing: Pen Drawings

Hey everyone, today I thought I'd share with you some of the pen drawings I drew in my first semester of college, and give you a bit of info about each one. Let's get this gallery started! (Click to see them full scale)

This is one of the first drawings I did in class, I still miss my eraser...
Also one of the early ones. Things are slightly less misshapen here , and there's even a bit of texture. I remember trying to count how many frets there were on the guitar when the teacher stopped me, and said no one would notice if it was wrong, but do you???

And here we are with more textures! There's hatching, which are the lines, and stippling, which are the dots.

A little more of the same. I tried doing something different with the glove, but it just ended up looking weird.
Up to this point I didn't have time to add shadows. I tried drawing some in this simpler piece, but it ended up looking more like a hole in the table. Here's a tip for everyone, never outline shadows!

This one here is a perfect example of why you shouldn't try and draw the entire still life in one sitting.
It's almost painful to look at...
And here we have an introduction to linear perspective, or as my teacher would loving refer to it "The grid from hell."

This one goes into a bit more detail on the three different forms of linear perspective.  It also has some thumbnails showing other ways of creating depth in a drawing.

Of course when you're drawing from observation you don't actually have the time to plot out all the perspective lines. Instead you have to draw them by eye, and hope for the best.
It's especially difficult when you're working on grids, where the slightest mistake is very obvious once everything is put together.

The easiest way to improve is to draw them over and over, until the perspective becomes a natural part of setting up any scene.
This last one was a homework project, literally. We had to draw a room in our house, I chose my living room. Trust me, it has never look this neat and empty before, I was putting the finishing touches on the fire place on the ride over to school.  Fortunately my teacher didn't come to my house to confirm it looked like this.

And that covers it, I hope you had a good time browsing this mini collection, and feel free to post any questions or comments you have one the blog, I hope you all have a great day!

Sincerely, Ian Berget

Animation: Oscar 1.2

Tah Dah!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Animation: Face Modeling 2

Tuesday's are always busy days for me, however I somehow managed to sculpt more of the face in the little time I had. It's actually fairly close to being finished (If he was a bald man with a pale complexion), The ear needs a bit more work, and the neck is currently disconnected. I'll keep going at it until I have a finished character, after a good nights sleep.

Goodnight everybody.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Animation: Face Modeling

Hello internet citizens, here is a preview of the face I am sculpting for my character. I'm finding it to be quite challenging, but at the same time a lot of fun shifting from a robot type character to a more human one. My overall goal is to have a base that I can work with that  is fairly generic, but can be changed into a variety of more unique characters.

Hopefully by the next time I show him to you he will have a set of eyes and ears to go along with his current features, who knows maybe even some hair... Until then, have a great day!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Hapy new year!

I'll see you all in a couple days.

Animation: Oscar 1.0

Here's an update on my charater model. nothing fancy, but in the future I plan to actually animate him doing something...